How do I customize the Lost Password email in Miva Merchant 5?
The Lost Password Email can be customized in Miva Merchant 5 by clicking the Customers link in the left-hand menu of the administration, then clicking the Lost Password Email tab. Unfortunately, this email is by default text only in a stock Miva Merchant 5 installation, and the email does not permit any form of tokens or variable replacements.
You can customize the following parts of the email:
- From: What email address “sends” the email to the customer
- CC: Carbon copy the email to this address (not recommended)
- Subject: Subject line of the email sent to the customer
- Header: A text note you can write above the standard password reminder content.
The content of the email beneath the header you provide is always the same, and is apparently hard-coded into Miva Merchant 5 with no language, localization or editing possible. Here is an example of what is sent without any customization:
Here is the account information you requested. Password: test123