Get the most dynamic and simple one page checkout for Miva Merchant 5
You all have been asking so here is your solution! Automatically updates all on ONE PAGE:
- Shipping Methods
- Payment Methods
- Subtotal
- Shipping Cost
- Sales Tax
- Coupon Savings
- Total Cost
- Customizable for other 3rd party modules
Our AJAXIFIED 1 Page Checkout for Miva Merchant 5 is the most dynamic and easy to use checkout ever created for Miva Merchant 5. Featuring a floating mini-basket that keeps up to date with each change applied to the order such as shipping selection, tax updates, coupons and gift certificates, etc.
NEW FEATURES! The latest version now includes:
- Order minimum checks
- Ability to change line item quantity ON the checkout page
- Invalid address checks when used with Paypal Express Checkout
- Expanded/collapsed Ship To address

1 - This is a service, not a module. Additional fees apply for each special feature required such as coupons, points redemption, gift certificates, extra checkout data collection, etc. PLEASE CONTACT SALES @ 800-578-5003 before ordering so we can quote your checkout prior to purchase.
2 - The sample integration above may not look exactly like your site. We take your existing wrapper, global header and global footer and integrate the body of our checkout system into your site. Additional fees may be incurred if you have complex wrappers/headers/footers or if we need to reformat the checkout width, etc.
3 - This is not a custom service, unless you pay for additional hourly customization time. Please contact sales @ 800-578-5003 to see a few LIVE examples and the features available. Any feature that does not exist that you request is considered customization.
4 - We require a signed contract and credit card authorization prior to beginning work. Turn time is estimated at 2 to 3 business days from start with a possible 1 week lead time before we can begin your integration. Please note that we REQUIRE all work be done on a CURRENT development version of your site.
NOTE: This checkout is NOT compatible with several Emporium Plus modules, including Sort Shipping and Sort Payment. Suitable alternatives can be offered such as the Copernicus Shipping SuperMod, Copernicus Payment SuperMod, etc.