Gift Certificate Manager 5

Gift Certificate Manager 5
Price: Included in Viking Everything Subscription
Current Version: 5.023
Quantity in Basket: None


This module gives a store the ability to sell and accept electronic gift certificates. Gift certicates templates are created and can be associated with products for sale in the store (or their attributes). When the associated product is purchased, the module will automatically generate a key for that certificate and send an email (optional) to the purchaser containing the key and an explanation of how to use it. At checkout, on the payment and shipping selection page, the module prompts the customer to enter a gift certificate key and, when a certificate is used, applies the appropriate credit. The remaining balance, if any, is recorded and available on subsequent visits. 

Of course there is a little more to it than that and this module provides for a great deal of flexibility:

  • (NEW) Added Gift Certificate Import/Export support.
  • (NEW) Added Gift Certificates Import support from MM4.
  • (NEW) Improved support and compatibility for Wombat stores.
  • (NEW) Now compatible with the Phone Order Manager and Viking Coupon module.
  • Certificate types can be associated with individual products or their attributes. In addition, attributes can be added to the product to collect address information, the name of the person the certificate is for, the date to deliver the certificate, and any notes the purchaser wants to include for the recipient. This data is collected and stored in association with the key that is generated for that certificate.
  • A template can be configured and used to view the certificate in a browser window. This template uses tokens to represent the various information about the certificate such as the key, the store name, expiration date, balance, etc. The data collected when the certificate was purchased (ie. address information, notes, etc.) can also be inserted into the certificate. This certificate can then beprinted and mailed or manually distributed.
  • Keys can be manually generated from within admin. Immediately after the key is generated, a link is availalble to view the certificate so that it can be printed.
  • There is an administrative interface showing all of the keys that have been generated for each certificate type. The data shown includes the issue date, expiration date (editable), balance (editable), date last used, and the order id in which the certificate was purchased (unless it was manually generated of course). This list can be sorted ascending or descending by the certificate keys and the issue date.
  • The orders in which a gift certificate is redeemed are tracked for each key and can be viewed from within admin. The amount for which the certificate was redeemed and the resulting balance is shown.
  • A few of the other features:
    • Email notification
      • The contents of the email is completely configurable with a template which uses tokens to represent various data about the store and the key. The the email message can be separately configured for each certificate type as can the email subject
    • Certificate Keys
      • The keys can be separately configured for each certificate type and default settings can be configured. The format of the keys can be configured to use any number of numbers, characters, or a mix of both. A template is used to format the key and can include the store name, certificate code, and any other text
    • Checkout Prompt
      • The checkout prompt that appears on the shipping and payment configuration screen is completely configurable. It uses a template and tokens to represent the location of the text field and the "redeem" button and can inlude any well formed html you want to put into it. All of the buttons can have images configured for them and the size of the text field can be separeately set.
    • Other settings
      • Among other settings, the module can let you decide whether or not the certificate, when redeemed, can be applied against the shipping and tax, whether or not to permit multiple gift certificates to be used in a single order, and whether or not to bypass the selection of a shipping method and payment method for $0 balances resulting from the redemption of a gift certificate.

You can view the module's full documentation (including screen shots) here.

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