Continue Shopping 5

Continue Shopping 5
Price: Included in Viking Everything Subscription
Current Version: 5.00
Quantity in Basket: None

Continue Shopping 5 is an update to the 4.x version of the module. The module allows you to place smart continue shopping links/buttons on Miva Merchant 5 Pages. Continue Shopping 5 links/buttons remember the last shopping-related page the customer was on, even if the customer adjusts the basket contents. The display utilizes Miva Merchant SMT code so you can place the code on any appropriate Page you like in your store.


Customer Reviews (1 total)  

Highly Recommended 08/26/2008 - by from Montclair, NJ US
After toying with homemade Continue Shopping buttons for months that either sent users to the storefront or acted as a Previous Page button, I decided to implement Viking Coders’ elegant solution. Continue Shopping 5 works just as advertised. I utilize it via a button on both my BASK page and my WishList Page. Customers can make all the modifications they want in their Shopping Cart or WishList (e.g. update quantities, remove items, etc.) and then click the Continue Shopping button and it takes them right back to where they came from. It’s a beautiful thing! Terrific Customer Support too!

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